Many of our clients are acquainted with the AloeRoot gardens; I enjoy hosting meetings in the back yard, and in fact I work outside whenever the weather is nice enough… when your major office equipment is a laptop and cordless phone, it’s easy! I was pleased and flattered when an old friend (now working for…
Author: aloeroot
Ways Web Companies Lose Customers
I regularly speak to people who have been burned by other web design firms or contract web developers, and their stories are very similar. I’ve identified five common things that some web developers do wrong, and have vowed never to repeat these mistakes:
Why Should I Pay For a Website?
Why would you pay for a website when you can get one for free from one of many online services? Expertise Matters As in any field or profession, there are nuances to the work of website development and it takes an expert to do the job properly. It’s not enough to just have a website…
Protect Yourself from Domain Name Scams
Domain name scams are insidious and problematic for business owners. Type “domain scams” into Google and you’ll see how reguarly they are committed. Here is a brief description of the most common type of scam and a guide to protecting yourself.
Transferring Domain Names Away From Yahoo!
Domain name management can be a surprisingly complicated job, especially when it comes to transferring domains – you have to learn the systems of each individual registrar you’ll deal with. Registrar companies’ systems range from hyper-complicated (we’re looking at you, GoDaddy!) to undocumented and unhelpful, to outright user hostile (such as the questionable tactics used…